Design Stupidly Good Offers To Scale Your Business

Video Training and Step-by-Step Notion Templates

If there's one lesson I wish I'd known starting out as a Founder, it's that customers don't buy your product or service, they buy your offer.

It's not the best product/service that wins, it's the offer that's easiest to say yes to. The best offers are so good, your ideal customers would be almost stupid to say no.

The Stupid Offer Kit walks you step-by-step through the process of transforming your product or service into a stupidly compelling offer.

You’ll get the video instruction and templates to:

  • Identify the ideal customers for your offer

  • Learn to create easier sales by creating stupidly compelling offers

  • See how to leverage the 9 essential components of stupid offers

  • Work through a step-by-step framework that guides you in offer creation

  • Learn how to squash objections even before they pop up

  • See how to stack offers to rapidly move customers through your pipeline

Course Materials:

  • 120-minute Stupid Offers Video Training

  • Dynamic Notion templates:

    • Identify the right customer for your offer

    • Stupid offer Building Blocks

    • Guarantee builder

    • Objection Squashers

    • Offer Stack Builder


Get my focused, personalized attention on your Stupid Offer. Quick 15-minute call with me (Steve) to identify exactly how to make your offer as stupid as possible. We’ll ID the biggest bottleneck holding you back and show you which part of Stupid Offers will give you the biggest win in the shortest amount of time.

Investment: $500

100% Lifetime Guarantee

If you do not get value from this training and templates you can claim a full refund at any time for any reason. Simply email your receipt and you will be refunded inside 3 working days.

© Steve August Coaching 2024. All Rights Reserved.